February 23, 2025

PLE Tips

(This article was first published in Toto Magazine on September 21, 2022)

As we approach the end of the year, Primary Seven candidates are busy preparing for their Primary Leaving Examinations. Your teachers give you tips on how to answer questions as you do final touches in your revision.

By Maureen Nakatudde

Science is one of the subjects that has wide content. So, the candidate should be able to read, research and revise widely.

The learner must ensure that they have covered the syllabus from lower to upper primary to avoid missing out on any numbers that might be set in either section.

A candidate should check that they have the correct spelling to avoid losing marks.

Be Brief

A learner should always be brief when answering questions. If a question says for example:

“Why should we trim fingernails?” The answer should be very precise; “To destroy hiding places of germs.”

Do not say: “We trim our fingernails to destroy the hiding places of germs.” This is irrelevant and leads to wastage of time.

A candidate should give direct answers. Example: “Mention any one example of a root tuber.” A learner should just mention “Cassava”. Not like: “An example of a root tuber is cassava.”

The Diagram Question

Candidates need to understand the diagram and study it properly. Usually, diagram questions are knowledge questions. Identify the labels and what exactly they are requiring. If a label is pointing at a singular part, answer in the singular form. If a label is pointing to plural parts, answer in plural.

If a question is asked, candidates should answer in reference to the label not naming the parts even when they have not been asked to.

Usually, candidates name the symbols, yet they are asked to refer to the symbols. This, therefore, causes them to lose marks.

Use Simple Language

A candidate should use simple language and not complicated one that could lead to loss of marks due to either wrong spelling or grammar. For example; “What name is given to a male part of a flower?” A candidate might write “androecium” and another may write “stamen”. One candidate might end up losing the marks because of the hard spelling, while another one gets right since it is easier.

Sahani Cleus, Science Teacher, Esteem Junior School, Wakiso district

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